I'm looking for photo essays on Palm Springs and the surrounding areas (Salton Sea, Slab City, etc). Especially interested in images that show people doing things (not so interested in landscapes). I know there are a lot of quirky characters in those areas, and am open to seeing photos of them, but also want to see some luxury and relaxation.
This is for a soon-to-be-launched tablet travel magazine. The magazine skews higher end/luxury, but we are dedicated to showing authentic experiences, so embrace photojournalism as well as lifestyle and travel photography.
I will be sending out other photo needs via my mailing list. Please sign up (sign up form is on the home page, bottom right) if you would like to receive these. And please share this post with any colleagues who may have work to share.
To submit your work for consideration, please email me a link (no attachments please). I need captions in order to know what it is I'm looking at. Thanks!
I will post all future calls for submissions to my twitter and my facebook professional page, so please follow me there too to get the latest requests.
(photo by me)